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The 3 Cs of Preferred Reality Formation

What initially looked like Clickbait on Psychology Today, turned out to be a good article:  

5 Types of Self-Talk That Guide, Heal, and Motivate

The content is quite important, especially the 3C trick to positive neuro-behavioral predictions. 

The 3 Cs are: Catch, Challenge, Change. But while Psychology Today wants you to challenge your irrational beliefs, I think it is more important to catch your "old" or "outdated" thought patterns and change them into your preferred beliefs.  

Catch yourself using a thought process that is problem-perpetuating or problem-flooded, such as "I want to get away from these people that are talking to me and bugging me."

Challenge the reasoning and the source of those thoughts: maybe by calling out the depression for what it is doing to you by thinking or saying "The depression is trying to remove me from people who want to help me by tricking me into wanting to remove myself."

Pretty Picture Because it Helps Make it Easier to Read

Pretty Picture Because it Helps Make it Easier to Read

Change your thought pattern by replacing it with your preferred reality thoughts and actions: You could fight back against the depression by talking to the person who the depression wanted you to avoid, you could choose to push back by talking to someone you have already identified as supportive and helpful, or you could simply reframe the thoughts in your head: "Depression is a very strong influence right now and I need more practice and support to be able to fight back every time, it's okay that I leave and sleep, but it's not okay for me to let depression trick me into believing these thoughts are okay or from who I know I am." 

You don't have to win every situation to keep pushing back. What you need to do is start reframing thoughts and feelings to fit your new, preferred way of being in the world and keep practicing. Just like practicing almost anything, over time you will notice you are getting better at it.



Our Self Constructed World

I spent some time trying to figure out the proper phrasing for what it is we are trying to accomplish with the combination of Post-Modern Narrative Therapy, the emerging science of Neural Plasticity development and my own predilection for Motivational Interviewing techniques for engagement.  What I came up with was a mishmash of words, all that I felt needed to be crammed into the modality name.  It would be something like:

Heroic Targeted Intentional Revisionist Cognitive Neural Preferred Story Reconstruction. I'm open to suggestions. 

You can change your past by changing who you know yourself to be

But here is the problem and the opportunity.  I believe that people, when presented with the overwhelming information regarding our own self-creation of the world around us, will choose to work towards a creation of their preferred reality instead of continuing a problem-saturated reality.  But introducing this in therapy is a bit clumsy, much like telling a story and getting kids to come along with you in a game of make-believe. Only in this story the hero is you and it's not make believe, it's self-revision.  

Self-revision is the key component in real cognitive change. It is the result of retelling the stories of your life in a way that reframes them to come in-line with the person you want to be.  Our histories structure our future by forming our beliefs about what we are and what we can accomplish.  We see this technique starting to change the paradigm of treatment in domestic violence and child abuse, as people affected by these problems are called survivors instead of victims.  What are some of the titles you carry?  If these titles are the name tags we wear tightly pinned to our chests, how would you like them to be re-visioned to more accurately reflect who you want to be. 

So-here is where it gets important. How do we free up the activity of the limbic system (blog post for clarification) to allow for more pre-frontal activity, which is what we need for self-recreation.  We need to practice with our active mind in order to convert the new belief into our durable self-concept.  So instead of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, we are in effect doing Cognitive Identity Therapy.  

Ask a question, post a comment or start a conversation if you want to take this farther. 
